Thursday, 26 August 2021

Teaching as Inquiry


Collaborate - Sites

Visible:  Can we see it or can we not?

Thinking visibility of the teaching as well as the learning. 

We used to send an abbreviated termly plan to whanau.  We hardly even mention what our focus is currently.  Good to see WALTs and SC still working well. 

Using google sites to turbo charge their learning.  Online space takes away excuses.  Lost this etc 

Students are able to access learning.  Remove the barriers. 




BLOGS to share learning.

SITES - teaching

LEARN - Hapara

Good to hear that young students can access sites via ipads.

Some amazing sites that we looked at.  Really high quality teaching in there. 

Multi-modal. - different ways of communicating. 

The young connect via social media. Get kids excited about their learning. Actively involved in their learning. We need to sell our learning. Your site is your shop front window!  WOW factor.  Sites to be refreshed often.  New content frequently. 

Multiply texts and multi modal.  Beh and Cog engagement. 

Recreate a site every year.  Keeps it fresh. 

Multimodal - really cool shared resources. 

Enjoyed collaborating with others on the rainbow fish.  Here is my attempt at the slides...Rainbow fish site sandpit activity

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Week 4 Dealing with Data - sigh.....

Interesting times. Lockdown Day 3. 

Share - tohatoha- like the link to hook kids using social media/blog posts. Sharing with purpose. Important to plan ahead. Share to global platform, no constraints. Authentic audience. Audience is able to walk away online not during an assembly. Making connections - straight from KC in NZC.

Purposeful  learning, sharing help the kids complete tasks.  I'm a finisher so I know how important it is for fulfilment.  

Going to look at the class on air and the innovative teacher while I have some time.

Googleforms - I've done quite a few of these as part of gaining student/whanau voice previously.  Have even recently used it for schonell spelling etc following my last toolkit with Jeremy and added a record extension. Locked mode is fab.

Great idea about using it to record behaviours even though we use Hero, if you are tracking day to day stuff you don't want it to be constantly recorded in your system as it would skew the data. 

My maps 

Managed to get myself tied up in knots with spreadsheets as suspected.  Love the conditional formatting.  I can see how it'd be really useful when working average points score changes in easstle and also for all my attendance data but really couldn't do it independently without support.  I definitely need some additional help with this. 

And my analysis of blog

Going to try to be positive, thoughtful and helpful during lockdown.  

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Media - Tabloid news or flat sheet?

 Friday 13 August 2021



Hanga - hook the learner. I'm a lifelong kindergardener. I love the new entrant space both virtually and in reality! I love learning stories.  Unfortunately we don't use them at our school. The creativity process is so important at every age and stage.  Fortunately our LT are creative and we are constantly 'creating' and we know the process is more important than the outcome. 

Going to talk to music teacher about sound cloud as two of our students have recently written a rap for our performance and it would be good to share with the wider school community.

Love the secondary kids doing the vocab keyrings!  Respiration rap!  Perhaps I should write a menopause one?  

I created a kahoot all about our emergency procedures rather than going through the usual pppt!  I must do that more often. 

I already had set up my you tube channel using my hotmail.  So just set up my google one.  I am a yout tuber with a channel.  Search and saved a playlist. Made a playlist.  I'd done this before with the choir songs etc. 

Great to learn about we video as I'm just using my voice memo for the podcasts of the kids audio dramas. Gonna check out the tutorials. 

Love the idea of the kids doing the notices via their own tv channel. Defo something to start in the future. 

Love the idea of using drones and paper plates for the video.  e.g. making out school logo on the field using the kids!  Again, another thing for the future.  Perhaps start of year 2022.....

Like the idea of kids recording themselves reading.  

Had a go at google draw.  Good revision for me and especially learning to embed google draw using htlm.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Toby Mini

 I've managed to use Toby to organise the blogs from our staff members. 

Week 2 - Workflow

 Session 1 - It was really good sharing how the week went with my bubble colleagues and sharing the wins and finding answers to some of our frustrations collectively. 

Learn - we really need to work on consistency of our 'learn' at CTS.  Every classroom appears to do their 'own thing'.  This lack of consistency definitely hinders the acceleration at our kura as the students have to change mode not just every year in primary area but every class in the Secondary Place.  Even post PD in maths I see that teachers have 'dropped' their maths target students.  We need to implement change and then monitor until practice is embedded. 

This picture also sums up some of the 'learn' at our school. Sometimes it feels like that the adults are doing all the work and the students are just by standers, waiting to be served their learning. 

I'm pretty cool with google meet but good to learn a couple of new tricks. Was great to learn how to share just a tab! Good to also learn a little more about my bubble mates. 

Never even heard of google keep until now!  So brand new learning.  especially like the idea of using it for common feedback for blogs/marking.  

Gmail.  Goodness mine is a mess...8,000 emails.  I need to archive so another task to do. I currently use labels.  Schedule send is great to ensure that you don't bombard teachers in the evenings or the weekends when I probably do most of my emails!

Calendar - managed to delete some shared calendars that we used during covid remote learning.  Tidied up my calendar - yay.  I use my calendar pretty well really.  Love the shortcut M T D etc - brill.  

Recording the response to the blog on a googlemeet.  Forgot to present initially - DOH.  Don't laugh too much.  

Managed to organise some tabs for the DFI teachers from my kura so far so I can easily look at their blogs.  Although did manage to add toby for chrome and toby mini!  Now just using toby mini.