Monday, 16 May 2022

TOD ANZ histories

We had an excellent session with Mel and Tama from the ANZ history curriculum. It was helpful to see the road map of how the curriculum is being developed. One of my wonderings is how we resource it and how we share this information with whānau. I like that fact that the new curriculum is saying that we cannot leave the learning to chance - we need to plan and make sure it happens and that our students have a broad and balanced curriculum. I really liked looking at the images. I think using images with students is a really powerful tool. the national library is an excellent resource.

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Week 1 2022 - Bringing a newbie into the CTS waka.

Apologies for the lapse in contact over the last 3 months of 2021. End of term/year and all that. I thought this was a good place to basically catalogue the support I'm giving my mentee. This can be a place that he can look upon and see his journey and also a place where I can reflect on what I do to support (or hinder!). Since joining us a week ago he has been through a LOT of PD. I met with the 2 newest members of staff last Thursday and we walked through our operational document, making sure they know where to look! e.g. Know how to phone is sick. Know what playground duties (want to call them manaakitanga time!) to do, what to do etc. Where to get support for IT, basically all the stuff that used to be in the induction booklet. Then they had a 2 hours session with the Manaiakalani facilitators to induct them into the world of being a MKL outreach kura. Then they had a few hours in their classrooms. Last Friday the whole school (along with 3 other schools) attended a whole day of PD on CPR (curriculum professional resource) on the new NZ Histories curriculum with Tamsin Hanly. There was a delicious lunch..... On Monday we had our annual stupid team's going to be come a traditional I can tell.
We then went through the usual - school charter, professional growth cycle, data from 2021, changes afoot! On Tuesday we then had a full day on UBRS (Understanding behaviour responding safely). None of this excessive PD appears to have affected his enthusiasm! Thankfully. So my mentee has managed to put up a birthday/month of the year display and Number display all before the little angels arrived in the classroom. He has beautifully and skillfully managed to gain their attention and affection within a couple of days. Quite an achievement. Today, after 1.5 days in the classroom settling the children into their new room etc we had our first proper mentoring session. I supported him to: Start work on a medium term and weekly reading plan and gathered appropraite books as well as a medium term and weekly maths plan. We have sorted the students into reading and maths groups according to their ability. We've ordered resources and fixed up his projector to work.
Sylvia to do 1. Get Liana to upload activeinspire onto his laptop. 2. Set up QR codes so students can access the great resources on place value that I found! 3. Order 2 cables and an apple TV for his room. Mentee to do 1. Complete weekly plans including setting up reading modelling books. 2. Plan 2 days of maths relating to the maths plan. 3. Get alphabet display from R and laminate and put up. 4. Set up prodigy for his class. 5. Get P to supprt set up from PM reading online. 6. Get S to support set up of sunshine readers online. 7. Complete big book slides and slides for maths for next week. I briefly explained to him the mentor programme we have at CTS, which mainly consists me of tailoring the programme to meet his needs, but also of the extensive supports that we are able to call on to ensure he doesn't get bored of me, and also he gets a variety of mentors. We all have different strengths to share.
I already need to thank his co-teacher - Mrs H for her support this afternoon at our quick catch up meeting. She managed to support my mentee with his spelling programme, his writing programme. She'd KEPT a hold of the paper swimming water for skills assessment sheet that we can no longer get hold of!! She got us sorted with the move well resource and basically shared her routines with us. So helpful. It has been a good day and a LONG week for my mentee but we got through it. I just hope we haven't overwhelmed him already.............

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Week 9 Term 3 2021

 External Recognition week. Badge up! 

Don't normally do external recognition unless forced but I really want this... Strange as I'm not intending on leaving my school and thinking I need it for my CV etc.  I think it's because I want to role model go my own kids at home, and the staff at school.  I better bloody pass!  

I've thoroughly enjoyed learning in my bubble.  So good to have new people to collaborate with.  We should keep in touch.  My gratitude goes to Manaiakalani, you've absolutely enabled our school to move forward.  I knew what we had to do but didn't know how to do it.  You've given us the HOW.  

Also massive tino pai to Vicky for her legendary facilitation.  Superb.  I think we had the best coach.  Don't tell the others ;). They were all excellent and again it was nice to occasionally have a different facilitator with a different approach/manner.  The whole programme is so well thought out. 

It's been a great week.  ERO visited and we managed to do some planning for 2022.  Imagine a whole term in advance.  There were sometimes last year that it was literally day to day. 

I passed - Phew.  So hopefully have  2 badges to add to this space.  Woo hoo!

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Week 8 Term 3 2021

Computational Thinking  

I did a relieving lesson on computational thinking with the year 10s and it was embarrassing how terrible I was and how proficient they were.  They were incredibly supportive and helped me out.  


Use the term empowered rather than agency.  5 passes a day. Encourage our students to have threaded conversations.  

Minecraft Aquatic Adventure

Really enjoyed having a go at this. Never played minecraft despite my kids playing it all the time. 

Got a little frustrated with Flappy game!  Bet my kids would be better at it!  Ones at home and at school!

Here's my attempt at scratch. 

It was good to see Khrismira on the class on air using the beebops - good to remember the good ole days when I used a roamer in exactly the same way about 20 years ago!

I also really liked seeing the cubetto. Great resource for new entrants/Year 1. My create session this afternoon was creating an app using MIT with Jacob. I did a really bad job at it, but at least I can see how it works and can imagine the year 10s would fly with this following their coding work with Pip.
Basically I set up 4 screens so that if you pressed good you went to screen 2 to a smiley face. etc etc. So had to upload image and code if you press this button you go to screen 2 etc. Really challenging for this newby coder........ The greatest joy comes from empowering students to be the best they can be, our job is to minimise the hurdles and let them leap over them.

Thursday, 9 September 2021


 Me thinks our ipads may need a bit of updating......


Learning can happen anywhere, from anyone, at any time.  Pace adjustment and the ability to re look at things - so important.  So reassuring that our plan from 2020 worked again in 2021. Learning takes place outside 9-3pm.  

I need to utilise the screencastify process with the students.  I've only really used it to teach the teachers how to use different tech tools or our SMS system. 

I have specifically enjoyed the rewindable factor within my own DFI journey. I need to extend this into my teaching and model it for the staff.  I've used some screencastify videos doen by kids to show other kids how to post their work into our reporting system HERO.

What are you proud of?

The plan we put in place last year being reactivated at short notice.  

What do you regret?

Continuing with class dojo as its been a real bugger with the new 'create activity' functionality that kept failing, leading to heightened frustrations of students and parents. 

What have you taken forward into the 'new era of schooling?'

Being cybersmart...positive, thoughtful and helpful.  

I love an annual overview!  

Love the idea of the cybersmart whanau session in kura.  Especially as we are trying to improve learner relationships. 

Love explain everything. Here is my go !

I then had a go at making a screencastify.

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

  • We've done the ubiquitous staff meeting so just a good reminder at this stage.

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

  • Just good to be able to have a plan around the school site.

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

  • This isn't that relevant currently but it is a need to know what/how the teachers/learners work.

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

  • Workflow has definitely improved by using the tools that I've learnt in DFI.

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Sites - Enabling Access

 I've noticed lots of school sites that have not allowed access so it'll be interesting to learn all about this. 

Less time teaching can make time for teachers to help students, give them more one to one.  Rewindable learning is so important. 

Teaching registration evidence can be the url for the site.  Ka pai.  So easy.  

Question?  How do students whose details/photos are not allowed on the internet do their blog?  Perhaps incognito name with an emoji?  You can also limit who has access to the blog.???

Sites - it was so good to see a variety of sites.  Makes one feel quite incompetent.  There is some amazing teachers out there. 

OK - started the school site. 

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?